American Impressionist
by James Flood
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American Impressionist contains American organ music, rarely
heard these days, that is evocative of a time when composers were unafraid
to be programmatic.The highlight of this CD is, of course, Alexander Russell's
St. Lawrence Sketches, of which this is the first
recording on CD and only the second recording of the piece (after Richard Ellsasser's
LP record from the 1950s). Dreams was made famous
by Virgil Fox in concerts and on record. The Andante Serioso,
dedicated to Vierne, is heard here in the only recording still available. And,
the Bishop's Promenade is always a crowd pleaser!
MP3 Album Download, $6.00, Selections $0.99.
This Is A New Recording
James Flood made this recording in 1995 in the First Baptist
Church of Niagara Falls, New York, on the historic III/42 Hall organ (1939), which he rebuilt and enlarged from 1988 to 1996.
The music is all-American!