Cathedral Grand March
by George Ryder, reprint from White-Smith, 1903
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This is a new printing of the second edition on sturdy, acid-free
paper. The original was printed in 1887 by Louis H Ross & Co and assigned to White-Smith in 1903 for reprinting in this series.
We include photos, capsule biography, and a list of his organ music. 8 pages. Highest quality guaranteed. Size of music is
9.5" x 12.5". $7.00.
This Is Newly Printed Music
George Horatio Ryder (1830-1922)
was born in Massachusetts and was one of the three children of Thomas Philander Ryder. His brother,
Thomas Philander Ryder Jr, was known as an organist
and composer while George was best known as an organ builder. Easy.
Look at the Music
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