Darwin Wolford, retired in 2004 as music professor at Ricks College in Idaho.
Wolford composed Evensong and Musette, two pieces of contrasting moods, during the early 1970s. Evensong creates a meditative mood.
Wolford composed Evensong and Musette, two pieces of contrasting moods, during the early 1970s. Musette imitates a small French bagpipe in the countryside.
The Doxology is perhaps the most widely sung hymn in the Protestant Christian Church. The tune, originally for Psalm 134, was published in the Genevan Psalter in 1551. It acquired the name "Old Hundredth" after being set to the English version of Psalm 100. The text, dating from 1709, was originally the final stanza of three hymns by Thomas Ken. This toccata, or "touch piece," by Wolford is in three sections with the tune being heard on the oboe, flutes, and trumpet organ stops.